viernes, 5 de septiembre de 2014

The best concert i´ve been to

Hello everyone! Today, I should talk about the best concert I've ever been, but I do not remember any concert like better, so I´m going to talk about the concerts that I have enjoyed going.
The first concert I went was Miranda, I remember it was amazing, but I do not remember the exact date ... I think it was 2007 or 2008. From that concert, I always go to see them when they visit chile. His last concert was this year (in August), they came to the anniversary of the “blondie disco”, I really enjoyed it because it was an intimate show and I had the chance to see them so close.
Also, I very often go to concerts of national folklore… I usually go with my family to see artists like Illapu, Intillimani and Quilapayún. The last concert I went to was in Caupolican theater in the winter of the last year,   it was a shared show between illapu and Intillimani…  I really enjoyed it!
Another concert I remember was Skap, I enjoyed it very much to go because it was the first concert I went with my boyfriend!
Finally, one of the concerts that marked me was to Silvio rodriguez in the year 2012, I enjoyed it because I never thought I would see him at a concert. He was also very special because I was with my mom, she loves him from her teens and she never had the chance to go to a concert of him.

2 comentarios:

  1. Oh, you went to many concerts! Nice!! c:
    See you !

  2. While i was reading your post I thinking "Woooww! is she forgetting to Silvio Rodrigez? ahahaha, but you've saved the best for last! Really you've go of a lot of concerts! for the next lead me with you!
