viernes, 30 de mayo de 2014

Who is a person/expert on your field that you admire?

I really don´t have an expert on my field that I admire, but if I have to choose one it would be my teacher of legal psychology Elias Scaff. 

He is a professor at the University of Chile in the field of legal psychology in the Faculty of Social Sciences and he is a professor. Also he is a professor coordinator of the Unit of Victimology Program Regular Training of Judges in the Judicial Academy and Academic Director of the Masters in Forensic Intervention and legal strategy at the Universidad Diego Portales.

Elias Scaff created the first victimology center in our country (CAVAS). He directed the Institute of Criminology and he was Manager of the National Division for Victims and Witnesses.

I like him because he is a reference in the area of psychology that I like and he is one of the pioneers in legal psychology in Chile. Also, he worked in areas that I would like to work… so it is a reference to me.

5 comentarios:

  1. jajjaaj OMG xd sympathetic but has written about the teacher!
    I was really surprised, but I understand that you have shown much interest in this area of ​​psychology

  2. He is so smart !!!!!!! I like him too

  3. Wow is the teacher!! jajaja I did not know that he had done so many things in the area of legal psychology, is very surprising!!!

  4. Makaaaaaaa :D ahahahaha our teacher is a genial person, the subject that teach is very interesting and my favourite this semester :D

  5. He with the teacher Salinas are very smart and inspiring. Really you love this subject :)
