viernes, 16 de mayo de 2014

My brothers and me

I can’t remember who took this picture but i think that was my boyfriend or my sister in law with my camera. This picture was taken for my birthday number eighteen celebrated in my grandfather’s home.

 The photo shows me and my three older brothers. The man with the hat is my older brother, he is twenty eight years old and he is an English teacher, he teaches english in universities, specifically in the Universidad Andrés Bello, British University, Universidad de Valparaíso and Universidad Mayor. The man with black t-shirt is my second older brother, he is twenty seven years old and he is a teacher of history, he actually teaches in “Colegio El Sembrador” of Puente Alto. This school is the same school where my mom works. The man with the plaid shirt is my other brother, he is twenty five years old and he is a teacher of mathematics in Colegio Everest of Vitacura.

I like this picture very much because my brothers are really important in my life… i love them a lot! In the school days, they helped me to study and they are always present in my life… they teach me about life!!! hahaha

4 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. Awww, always that you talk about your brothers I feel tenderness!! (except for accidents with dogs ahahaha) You are a very united family and I am happy for this!

  3. Oh that picture is so cute, see that you are very close to your brothers and that is great!!
    i have one brother, but I do not see much and that picture reminds me him jajjaja :)

  4. OHHHHHH Maka is a wonderfull picture! You´re with your brothers, i know to Pablo, Jorge and Rafa is a moment very speciall with your family !!
