jueves, 29 de mayo de 2014

Job expectations after university

After graduating as a psychologist I would work in government institutions like PDI (Policía de investigaciones de Chile) or in GENCHI (Gendarmería de Chile) as a legal psychologist.
If I work in PDI, I would like to work in INSCRIM (Instituto de criminología) doing psychological assessment or I would like to work in CAVAS (Centro de atención psicológico a víctimas de atentados sexuales) in the area of ​​reparation for victims of sexual offenses or in the area of ​​ of ​​assessment of defendants. If I work in GENCHI, I would like to work in the rehabilitation of prisoners. I think working for these institutions is very useful for our country and I believe that psychology can be a real contribution.
Anyway, I do not rule out working for a while in the clinical area of psychology, I think can be very useful for my future work.
After having experience, I like to do a Masters in the area of legal psychology. I am not sure which kind of Masters that will depend on where I am working and I use it as a support tool. However, I would make the magister in Spain.

5 comentarios:

  1. Ooh I hope and your expectations are Carried out. The truth is That I feel would be a great contribution to justice in Chile :)
    I also would like to do a Masters, although scares me jajaja. My magister think it would be in the educational area or rather clinic :)

  2. Woow you have very clear your laboral plans!! I really hope that you achieve your dreams! You will be a outstanding professional

  3. woo you are unsure what will you do after leaving the race and psychology line you want to follow! I find interesting
    I hope you do well

  4. Dear Maca, you really love this area, Very good !!!

  5. wow! I think you have very clear what you want ... I envy that about you. I hope that you can achieve everything you've written
