jueves, 3 de abril de 2014

My Auto Biography

I was born in Santiago in 1993. When that happened, my mom was so happy because I was her first daughter after having three sons. My childhood was very funny, my brothers always paid attention and played with me.

I was to kindergarden in the Iberoamericano School. In seventh grade I switched to a public high school called Carmela Carvajal, where I finished my secondary education. After that I entered to Universidad de Chile in 2012 to study psychology. Psychology was my fist and unique option, although education area was an option too because my all family are teachers! My mom is an elementary school teacher, my oldest brother is English teacher, my brother in the middle is history teacher and my other brother is mathematics teacher.

Now I live with my brother in the middle, his name is Rafael and we get along very well. I love talking to him and hear him play the guitar. Sometimes, my boyfriend visits to us and us all playing video games and spends funny time. I love my family and its very fun to me spends time with them!

My main hobby is watching movies… I am really fan of cult cinema! And I also like to dance tango with my boyfriend, actually we want to visit Buenos Aires next summer! We are very excited! 

5 comentarios:

  1. Awwww Maca!! I would like to learn dancing tango. Some day You could teach me!

    Kiss for you my frieeend!!

    1. where was the "i love you"? :C </3 you broke my hearth!!! jajajajajajaj kisses!

    2. I said you this only in private :$ :$ :$ jejeje

  2. Maka, I already knew something of your story. What fun to dance tango. I danced when small milonga, but do not remember much ahahahaha ... <33 !
